Convegni e conferenze

ANCI Metropoli Strategiche

Relazione introduttiva "Pianificazione strategica: provenienze e possibilità"

Webinar, Una nuova stagione della pianificazione strategica metropolitana ? Cagliari, 11 Febbraio 2021

N-AERUS 2021 Conference

Participant in the Round table discussion "How to plan in a world of uncertainty. Proposals for research and policies"

Online event, TU Berlin University's Youtube Channel, 5th February 2021

The Healthy City Planning for Care and Well Being

Opening lecture "Urban health beyond the pandemic"

Online event, Amsterdam University & sLIM CUS Masterstudio Future City, 11th January 2021

EAAE-ARCC International Conference & 2nd Valencia International Biennal of Research in Architecture

Keynote lecture "Re-starting from physical space to cure the problems of the urban"

Online event, Aula Magna & ETSA-UPV Aula Magna, 12th November 2020

Convegni e conferenze